Taniora – Dead-lifting like a boss and has set a new goal for pull-ups

Taniora is one of our young and enthusiastic members that trainer Olena has been working with. With her help he has mastered core connection and is completing deadlifts with excellent form.

Taniora joined when he was much younger with his Mum and Dad and he’s now very interested in learning more complex movements such as deadlifts, squats and benching.

His main goal is to become the best version of himself and build better strength.

His next goal is to to increase his pull-ups from 4 reps to 15 reps by September. After completing the program review with trainer Olena, he started his new training plan which includes focus on bodyweight exercises.

Excellent work Taniora, we look forward to seeing more great results!

If you wish to connect with us please email info@baycitygym.co.nz